影片來源: 美國在台協會 AIT 專訪製作
「很高興有機會親自祝賀王淑鈴女士獲頒美國國務院的 #MedalofArts 藝術獎章,恭喜這位台灣藝術家獲得這項殊榮!王女士在9月與另外四名來自世界不同地區的藝術家在白宮參加了頒獎典禮,從第一夫人吉爾拜登手中領獲獎章。王淑鈴女士和我特地錄了一段影片來介紹她的作品,希望大家會喜歡。王女士的油畫《吟唱的河流之二》是AIT的永久收藏,代表著美國和台灣之間緊密的連結。」——AIT處長孫曉雅
“I am delighted to have the opportunity to personally congratulate Taiwan artist Suling Wang on receiving the U.S. Department of State’s prestigious Medal of Arts. Suling joined four other international artists in receiving the medal from First Lady Dr. Jill Biden at a White House ceremony in September. I hope you enjoy the video Suling and I recorded for you to learn more about her work. Suling’s oil painting “The Singing River 2” is part of AIT’s permanent collection and represents the strong ties between the United States and Taiwan.” ------ AIT Director Oudkirk
◆ IG: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1DxJHlrLB6/