Hidden Immensity: Tung Hsin Ru Solo Exhibition
19 Aug 2017-24 Sep 2017

 Opening:2017.08.19 15:00

 Artist: Tung Hsin Ru

Curator: Chen Kuang Yi



Yao Miao (窈渺): Refined and delicate, hidden and remote.

Yao (窈): A graceful and elegant woman; deep and profound landscape.

Miao (渺): Tiny or infinitesimal.

The new series, Hidden Immensity, Tung Shin Ru reveals an attempt to initiate a new topic. In some of the new paintings, she applies a thick foundation that is like a coarse, rough land surface; and in others, we see smooth, transparent surfaces that look like water surfaces. In terms of her use of paint, it might be thick and dense that seems to fill up the entire space, sometimes; and it might be light and thin that barely covers the surface at other time. It might also be still sometimes, and fluid at others. Besides, she starts employing challenging neon colors and work on methods to integrate these contrasting tones with creating contradictions. Even the light, depth, and air have become alive and stirred because of the sharp contrasts in colors and brushstrokes. We can see how she has tried to reach a balance between the self-revelation of the material and her control over it. Through the movement of Tung’s brush and her colors, her paintings intensely stimulate our senses and demonstrate uncontrollable forces.

We can say that the artist has purposefully named the exhibition Hidden Immensity. The Chinese character, “yao (窈),” can refer to both ” deep and profound landscape” and “a graceful and elegant woman” whereas the character, “miao (渺)” means “tiny or infinitesimal.” One can understand the meaning conveyed through the Chinese title by looking at the artist and some of her paintings. However, although Tung’s paintings remind us of herself as the both embody elegance and profoundness, the artist and her works also demonstrate extremely powerful forces and a sense of great aspiration. The core concept of Tung’s art has always been to create breakthroughs after initial collisions, and it is a sense of harmony rather than conflicts that lends this new series its infinite charm.

— Curator  Chen Kuang Yi