23 Oct 2020-26 Oct 2020

Booth H01霍剛、李光裕、陸先銘、楊北辰、宋曉明
公 共 藝 術 蔡志松





│抽象形色的開創— 霍剛


霍剛反對學院派創作風格,致力於推動「台灣現代藝術運動」,成為其代表人物之一,被法國策展人沙賓· 瓦季尤 (Sabine Vazieux)譽為「華人幾何抽象藝術的先鋒」。本次將展出其2020年的新作品,體現藝術家如何以色塊、線條與幾何造型為創作元素,不斷在線與面交替的結構中,結合東方書法、金石印刻等元素,形塑獨特的幽默童趣與詩意韻律,發展出極具個人風格的東方幾何抽象。圓形,方形,三角形以及這些形態裡流動的空間,藉由詩意風格闡述符號表現的新方式,不斷探勘與開創幾何抽象表現的新可能性,歷時超過五十年而仍不斷積累與創新的深厚功力與創意。




《山水捲軸》系列也呼應李光裕在今年2020.08.06-2021.06.27於新加坡「濱海灣花園」(Gardens by the Bay)舉辦的個人大型戶外雕塑展「秘密花園」,以雕塑與花園的主題,體現雕塑形式如何隨著自然氣息流淌而出,將精神帶進寧靜喜樂的狀態。

│寫實詮釋的轉變 — 陸先銘


│擬真敘說的載體 — 楊北辰




│詩意抒情的悠緩 — 宋曉明

宋曉明,台灣中生代極具代表性的抽象藝術家,為英國蘭卡斯特大學(University of Lancaster)視覺藝術博士。





霍剛 (1932-)

HO Kan

Ho Kan integrates Eastern calligraphy and the art of seal carving with a minimalist yet poetic visual language to develop his distinctive, Eastern lyrical abstraction. He starts with elemental points, and, from them, he creates his own philosophy about the arrangement of the image, validating the existence of each element.
Ho Kan integrates Eastern calligraphy and the art of seal carving with a minimalist yet poetic visual language to develop his distinctive, Eastern lyrical abstraction. He starts with elemental points, and, from them, he creates his own philosophy about the arrangement of the image, validating the existence of each element.


LEE Kuang-Yu

It creates the unique form, style, and concept of the “void,” and demonstrates “the concept of silent void in the Oriental culture” that embodies the state of unifying the object and the self. It not only displays aesthetic values but also reveals the artist's contemplation on the state of life at that moment, conveying contemporary social implications.
It creates the unique form, style, and concept of the “void,” and demonstrates “the concept of silent void in the Oriental culture” that embodies the state of unifying the object and the self. It not only displays aesthetic values but also reveals the artist's contemplation on the state of life at that moment, conveying contemporary social implications.


SONG Sheau-Ming

Personal memories in the depth seem to emerge from the painted surface, enveloping viewers in the feeling of tranquility and the atmosphere of lyric, creating a resonance within their heart.
Personal memories in the depth seem to emerge from the painted surface, enveloping viewers in the feeling of tranquility and the atmosphere of lyric, creating a resonance within their heart.

陸先銘 (1957-)

LU Hsien-Ming

Lu’s work has revolved around his complex cultural contemplation on the living environment. Through his humanistic observation, the evolution of his inner world and different research angles, the artist has delineated a certain solid and unique cultural form stemming from the lower social stratum in Taiwan. His creative work is his way of actively engaging the society and realizing his humanitarian care for this land while expressing his interpretation of history and reflection on this era.
Lu’s work has revolved around his complex cultural contemplation on the living environment. Through his humanistic observation, the evolution of his inner world and different research angles, the artist has delineated a certain solid and unique cultural form stemming from the lower social stratum in Taiwan. His creative work is his way of actively engaging the society and realizing his humanitarian care for this land while expressing his interpretation of history and reflection on this era.

楊北辰 (1970-)

YANG Pei-Chen

Yang is one of the representative hyperrealist sculptors in the Chinese contemporary art scene. His works are all created out of complete wood blocks that are exquisitely carved by hand and elaborately colored for mimetic effect, rendering them extremely realistic and almost impossible to tell that they are wood sculptures.
Yang is one of the representative hyperrealist sculptors in the Chinese contemporary art scene. His works are all created out of complete wood blocks that are exquisitely carved by hand and elaborately colored for mimetic effect, rendering them extremely realistic and almost impossible to tell that they are wood sculptures.