Curator: Ray CHU
Co-curator: Tiffany CHAN
2021.07.03 (Sat ) 14:00-16:00
林舜龍 x 褚瑞基
2021.07.14 (Wed) 15:00-17:00
林舜龍 x 吳漢中
2021.07.24 (Sat) 15:00-17:00
林舜龍 x 簡永彬
以藝術連結土地與人— 林舜龍談日本國際藝術祭的地景創作
2021.07.29 (Thu) 15:00-16:30
2021.08.07 (Sat) 15:00-16:30
壓軸預告 Artist talk
2021.08.15(Sun) 15:00-16:30
龔書章 x 林舜龍
LIN Shuen-Long has been repeatedly featured in major international art festivals, including Echigo-Tsumari Art Field and Setouchi International Art Triennale in Japan, making him a representative artist of public art in Taiwan.
Boundary – That-has-been.Spring is Lin’s first solo exhibition in two decades. Drawing inspiration from the Chinese character “界” and separating it with a point between the two scripts “田” and “介,” the combination of meaning and form symbolizes an armor-clad person that will eventually return home to the origin after roaming the world. Based on the chronological development of Lin’s work entwined with Lin’s diverse creative systems, this exhibition not only showcases Lin’s well-known installation and interactive works, but also includes his two-dimensional paintings that are rarely shown in public. The timespan of these works exceeds thirty years. Therefore, exhibiting these works together both demonstrates the artist’s past exuberant passion in life and symbolizes his transcending boundaries before taking a pause, shattering the barriers between artistry and publicness with creations to establish his unique presence in the contemporary art scene.
He also uses “body” as a main creative concept and the techniques of fragmentation, deformation and peeling off to embody the trajectories of his self-exploration. After innumerous and diverse tests and the forging process of life, the transformative sublimation beckons a truthful return after all glory and splendor have faded. Boundary – That-has-been.Spring does not merely denote temporal and physical boundaries for the artist but his arrival at an original inner truth after endlessly “transcending the boundary.”