11 May 2023-14 May 2023

CHINI Gallery

HO Kan
LEE Kuang-Yu
Suling WANG
JIAO Xing-Tao

🔹 NODE:N01
Nick DONG “Becoming Horizon”



 Exhibition Date:

12 MAY 11 AM – 6 PM 13 MAY 11 AM – 6 PM 14 MAY 11 AM – 5:30 PM

11 MAY  2 – 5 PM

11 MAY 5 – 8 PM



 CHINI Gallery is delighted to present a selection of artworks in Taipei Dangdai 2023 that will feature several sole representative renowned artists. We are proud to showcase the distinctive abstract works of HO Kan (b.1932-) and WANG Suling (b.1963-), the stunning sculptures of LEE Kuang-yu (b.1954-) and Jiao Xingtao(b.1970), and the innovative installation works of Nick DONG (b.1973-). Through different artistic perspectives and creations, CHINI Gallery aims to deepen participation in international art exchange and dialogue, showcasing the rich cultural heritage and artistic achievements of Asian artists. We look forward to seeing you at the Taipei Dangdai 2023.


霍剛 (1932-)

HO Kan

Ho Kan integrates Eastern calligraphy and the art of seal carving with a minimalist yet poetic visual language to develop his distinctive, Eastern lyrical abstraction. He starts with elemental points, and, from them, he creates his own philosophy about the arrangement of the image, validating the existence of each element.
Ho Kan integrates Eastern calligraphy and the art of seal carving with a minimalist yet poetic visual language to develop his distinctive, Eastern lyrical abstraction. He starts with elemental points, and, from them, he creates his own philosophy about the arrangement of the image, validating the existence of each element.


LEE Kuang-Yu

It creates the unique form, style, and concept of the “void,” and demonstrates “the concept of silent void in the Oriental culture” that embodies the state of unifying the object and the self. It not only displays aesthetic values but also reveals the artist's contemplation on the state of life at that moment, conveying contemporary social implications.
It creates the unique form, style, and concept of the “void,” and demonstrates “the concept of silent void in the Oriental culture” that embodies the state of unifying the object and the self. It not only displays aesthetic values but also reveals the artist's contemplation on the state of life at that moment, conveying contemporary social implications.

王淑鈴 (1963-)

Suling WANG

WANG is known for her large-scale abstract paintings, which demonstrate a unique artistry drawing on both the history of Chinese landscape painting and British landscape artists such as Turner. She infuses her personal emotions and thoughts into her work, and uses bold and spontaneous brushstrokes to create majestic and dynamic composition, exhibiting unrestrained colors on the canvas.
WANG is known for her large-scale abstract paintings, which demonstrate a unique artistry drawing on both the history of Chinese landscape painting and British landscape artists such as Turner. She infuses her personal emotions and thoughts into her work, and uses bold and spontaneous brushstrokes to create majestic and dynamic composition, exhibiting unrestrained colors on the canvas.

焦興濤 (1970-)

JIAO Xing-Tao

Jiao instead re-creates and monumentalises discarded everyday objects and turns waste into meticulously crafted sculptures. JIAO Xingtao works with traditions of figurative sculpture to ask us to question our relationship to consumerism and the waste it generates.
Jiao instead re-creates and monumentalises discarded everyday objects and turns waste into meticulously crafted sculptures. JIAO Xingtao works with traditions of figurative sculpture to ask us to question our relationship to consumerism and the waste it generates.

董承濂 (1973-)


Dong is more than just a trained metalsmith; he is a multi-disciplinary conceptual artist that incorporates science theories, cutting age technologies, and humanity into his work, with the aim to spark wonder and create transcending experiences.
Dong is more than just a trained metalsmith; he is a multi-disciplinary conceptual artist that incorporates science theories, cutting age technologies, and humanity into his work, with the aim to spark wonder and create transcending experiences.