
LEE Kuang-Yu

It creates the unique form, style, and concept of the “void,” and demonstrates “the concept of silent void in the Oriental culture” that embodies the state of unifying the object and the self. It not only displays aesthetic values but also reveals the artist's contemplation on the state of life at that moment, conveying contemporary social implications.

A Sculptor’s Secret Garden Lee Kuang-Yu 李光裕 | 佈展影片



展名:李光裕的秘密花園 A Sculptors Secret Garden

展期:202086 2021627 6 Aug 2020 – 27 Jun 2021

展出藝術家:李光裕 Lee Kuang-Yu

策展人:陳慧君 Tan Hwee Koon

展覽會場:新加坡濱海灣花園雲霧林 Cloud Forest, Gardens by the Bay, Singapore

主辦方:新加坡濱海灣花園 Gardens by the Bay

主要贊助:采泥藝術 Chini Gallery