周慶輝 (1965-)

CHOU Ching-Hui

Throughout his career as a photographer that has lasted almost three decades, Chou's subject matter has shifted from captivating journalistic events to creatively theatrical scenes, and his style has changed from documentary photography to fabricated photography. In his latest project, Animal Farm, Chou changed the role of photographer as a “hunter” and turned himself into a “director,” and amazed his audience with a bizarre and unsettling sense of existence in his characteristic way.

Photography as a Mode of Clutching and Suckling (A Glimpse into Our Hearts -The Leper)

Chou Ching-hui, bewildered by the uncanny sights and scenes of the world, has planted s seed in his heart, the wonderful budding of which we are only just beginning to witness.
Art Critic Huang Han-ti

Letters to Chou Ching-hui’s Photographers

Chou Ching-hui not only how you work hard to survive just like people outside in society at large, and that he truly entered a different kind of life by capturing your “steadily shrinking bodies.”
Novelist Chang Ta-chun

The Last Night

Things all around and outside us are always disturbing the hidden box of the camera, while the hidden camera on my mind is constantly interfering with the things going on around me. If there were a purpose to my photography it wouldn’t be so confused and nebulous.
CHOU, Ching-Hui






撰稿/張芳薇 (策展人‧台北市立美術館研究員)


「人在這世界上不就是演一場戲嗎? 人一直不停的在試圖瞭解自己,分析、解剖自己,但還是無法了解全貌 一個是透過他人看見自己,一個是藉由自己看見他人 我是悲觀主義者,常常讓一件事看起來是憂傷的,一件憂傷的事看起來是殘酷的 我的作品有如黑暗報告,在自己內心的方寸之間找到獨處之處」
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