楊北辰 (1970-)

YANG Pei-Chen

Yang is one of the representative hyperrealist sculptors in the Chinese contemporary art scene. His works are all created out of complete wood blocks that are exquisitely carved by hand and elaborately colored for mimetic effect, rendering them extremely realistic and almost impossible to tell that they are wood sculptures.

YANG Pei-Chen (b. 1970) was born in Taipei, Taiwan. He graduated from the Department of Fine Art, Taipei University of the Arts in 1999. Afterwards, he studied in Spain and received his MFA from the Universidad de Salamanca in 2003, and was granted his PhD candidate status from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia before returning to Taiwan’s New Taipei City, where he lives, teaches and continues making art. In 2014, he completed his doctoral dissertation and graduated cum laude, with his PhD degree signed and issued by King Juan Carlos I. He has been teaching at the Department of Sculpture, National Taiwan University of Arts since 2011; and since 2018, he has been a full-time associate professor at the Department of Sculpture, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, and has given short-term lectures at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and Northeast Normal University.

Yang is one of the representative hyperrealist sculptors in the Chinese contemporary art scene. His works are all created out of complete wood blocks that are exquisitely carved by hand and elaborately colored for mimetic effect, rendering them extremely realistic and almost impossible to tell that they are wood sculptures. The Object of Memory Series created during 1997 and 2015 is a series of realistic sculptures based on specific historical objects, portraying the people as well as the feelings and memories associated with the objects. The History Series started in 2016, on the other hand, focuses on a more profound, reserved and tranquil depiction of centuries-old European books, expressing the culture and history embodied by the objects.  Yang’s work has been featured by numerous art museums, among which are National Art Museum of China; Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai; Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei; Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts; Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum; Yu-Hsiu Museum of Art; and Hongik Museum of Art, Hongik University. His works are included in the collections of Australia’s White Rabbit Gallery, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum, etc.